Monday, April 25, 2011

Yee- Mini Lesson #2

Reading Lesson Plan #2

Your Name: Courtney Yee                            Grade Level: Fourth   

Date lesson was taught:  April 20, 2011        Number of Students: Four

1) Rationale: I always see the students picking out random books in the library so they can quickly go back with their group of friends to talk. Even when the students are picking out a book in the classroom library they don’t put any thought towards choosing a book. I want to help the students learn how to choose good books that fit their interest.

2) List which reading skill/strategy is the main focus of your lesson: Teaching the students a strategy on how to choose certain books and why we choose some books over others.

3) Objective for this lesson (performance, condition, criteria): The students will respond to various literary genres using interpretive and evaluative processes by discussing and choosing books that fit their criteria.

4) Materials & supplies needed: Classroom library, marker, paper, sheet of paper with concrete details of the different genres

5) OUTLINE OF LESSON PLAN (Provide a bulleted list of ideas):

Introduction to the lesson:
“Today we’re going to be discussing the ways we choose good books. I noticed that some of you don’t put any thought towards choosing a book, so we’re going to talk about that today.”

Using a blank sheet of computer paper I will write the genres fiction, non-fiction, poetry, drama, and science fiction at the top. To help them become engaged in the lesson I will ask if there are any other genres that should be added to our list to make sure we’re not missing someone’s favorite genre.

“Using this sheet of paper I want everyone to tell me (one at a time) what your favorite genre is so I can write your name down, a book/novel of this genre, and a sentence explaining what you think that genre means (one at a time).” This will help them make connections to their previous knowledge of genres.

I will go over their choices and what they wrote about each genre.  If there is a genre no one chose as their favorite, I’ll discuss that with the class what that genre is and why it might not appeal to the students or who it would appeal to. Then I will give the students more concrete definitions for each genre (using the sheet I brought, if needed). (10 minutes) 

OUTLINE of key events during the lesson:
 I can start by asking the students what and why might people choose certain books. When the students name out ideas I will write it on the same sheet of paper with the genres. Everyone should participate and give their ideas. I will also suggest my own ideas and why I am influenced to read certain books.

Have the students rank their ideas/influences from 1-5 with 1 being the most influential. Have the class look at their order and start thinking more about their decisions in picking out a book.

“Look at the similarities and differences and why each one is influential or not. I want you all to pick out a book today using your ordered list and do this the next time you go to the library. Think about the things you wrote down”.  

Take the students to the classroom library to choose a book (or a couple) and head back to the table when they’re finished. (10 minutes)

Closing summary for the lesson:
Have them come back to the table to discuss why they chose those books. Ask them questions of who, what and why they chose that book and that genre.

Explain to the students that they need to think about this strategy before choosing books from now on at the library and how this can influence how good of a reader they are. (6 minutes)

6) Ongoing-Assessment: To know that the students are progressing towards my goal I will ask the students the following week if they enjoyed the book they chose and why they think they enjoyed it. I will watch the students in the library to see if they’re choosing random books or if they’re using the strategy we talked about.

7) Based on what you know about your focus students, what Academic, Social and/or Linguistic Support will be needed during the lesson? I will provide this student with extra time when determining their favorite genre and why. I could provide assistance to them when they’re choosing a book from the classroom library by asking them about their interests.

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