Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Craft Reflection 2

During my lesson the two students did very well with the text-to-self connections but had trouble with the text-to-text and text-to-world. Because of this they were very eager to keep giving to text-to-self connections but when it came time to give the other two the participation pretty much ended. I tried to give them examples of the connections they were having trouble with and even scaffolded them to come up with ideas on their own but still the participation was not very good. Looking back now I think maybe if I would have picked a more realistic book they wouldn't have had as much trouble. I think the fact that the book I used is very fictional they had trouble relating the things to real life because they knew the things in the book could not be real. I also think I could have tried to scaffold them in better ways. When the lesson was happened I started to get nervous because the students were having trouble and no matter how I explained it, it still seemed as if they didn't understand. After a while I think my nerves got me to and I didn't give them enough time to really take everything in that I was saying and that was happening in the book. Overall, I think this lesson turned out to be a decent introduction to these types of connections, but I think the students definitely need more time working with making these connections in different types of books.

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